Yoga Instruction Certification Yogi Hari Ashram: Be the Best Instructor at Sampoorna Yoga

Yogi Hari Ashram is the largest Yoga Instruction Certification provider in the United States. Our program goes beyond asanas. Our courses will expose you to many aspects of yoga, including mantra chanting, meditation and yogic philosophy. Through a carefully crafted program, you will be introduced to the many aspects that make up Yoga. You will be able to pass on this ancient wisdom. Expect to be transformed as you immerse yourself in the practice.

19 people standing in two rows all with their hands up in the air and smiling with palm trees in the background

Sampoorna Yoga

Sampoorna yoga (yoga of fullness) is the result of Yogi’s relentless pursuit of perfection, both in his teachings and practices. The Yoga of Fullness combines Hatha, Raja, and Karma, with Bhakti and Jnana. It is designed to cleanse and harmonize your entire personality.

By following the yogic principles, anyone can live a richer, happier life. You already possess health, happiness, and peace, according to the teachings. You already have them. Sampoorna yoga can help you find them.

Sampoorna Yoga uses a step-by-step method to help a person discover their divine nature or, as Paramguru Swamiji Sivananda describes it, "the radiant and immortal self". Yogi Hari developed Sampoorna Yoga which was inspired Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnu Devananda.

Sampoorna Yoga was created by a harmonious and intelligent integration of Hatha Raja Bhakti Jnana Karm Nada Nada. This combination of yogas creates a balanced, harmonious personality. This ancient system is beneficial to students who are dedicated to self-discovery.

Three women in the same yoga posture on a deck under the shade of an enormous tree.

Yogi Hari Ashram Sampoorna Yoga Instruction Certification

Yogi Hari Ashram Sampoorna Yoga Instruction Certification

Yogi Hari is the ideal place to earn your yoga instruction certification. We offer beginner and advanced yoga courses to help you develop your skills.

Highlights of Teacher Education Courses

After completion, you will be able to register for Yoga Alliance.

Meditation sessionsAsanas & Pranayama Exercises

The ancient teachings of guru

Vedanta and Bhagavad Gita Studies

Fresh vegetarian meals every day

Skill Level


The Intermediate Level


The Intermediate Level

Yoga styles

Yoga styles


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A teacher and a student dressed in formal white spiritual attire posing with their hands in prayer for a graduation picture.

    Courses of Teacher Training 200 Hours

    You can also find out more about the certification process.

    Yoga Alliance offers students the opportunity to become Registered Yoga Teachers after completing this course.

    The Course

    The 200-hour course is taught by Dr. Shri Yogi.

    This two-week residential course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to confidently teach yoga to students of all levels. Yoga Alliance has registered the Sampoorna Yoga Teacher Training Course as a 200 hour course.

    Sampoorna Yoga will bring about profound changes in your life. Hatha Yoga can help you find inner peace and achieve radiant physical health. You will feel inspired to have a positive influence on your community and world.

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      Teacher Training Courses - 300 Hours

      This Course

      Once a year, we offer Sampoorna Yoga advanced teacher training to students who want to continue their Yoga studies and practice. This residential three-week course offers detailed instruction on all aspects of Yoga, including asanas and pranayamas. Included are also chantings, meditations and philosophy. Dr. Shri Yogi is the one who teaches it.

      Yoga Alliance has registered the Advanced Sampoorna Yoga Teacher Education course at 300 hours.

      This intensive course will help you improve your teaching abilities by practicing familiar poses. This intensive course allows you to teach students at any level, including beginners and intermediates.

      Join us for our 300-hour Sampoorna Yoga certification training!

      Apply Now
      A woman dressed in a long flowing blue skirt and white top. She is gazing off into the distance with a long flowing orange scarf by her sides blowing in the wind.

        Yogi Hari Ashram

        Yogi Hari’s Ashram in Miramar, Florida is the ideal place to learn about yogic practices. Ashrams are also a place of spiritual growth. Ashrams offer a peaceful, harmonious and beautiful environment. You can immerse yourself in the teachings of yoga.

        Students can relax in a comfortable environment and concentrate on their training. The rooms are designed to make learning and practicing Yoga easier. Ashrams provide vegetarian meals that are prepared with love, mindfulness and care to promote mental and physical well-being.

        As you explore the grounds, you'll discover many spots to meditate, contemplate and reflect. In many locations, you can deepen your practice by connecting with nature, whether it's a peaceful garden, a pond, or shaded trees.

        Why Choose Residential Yoga Instruction at Yogi Hari's Ashram for your Yoga Training?

        Experience is the best teacher. You can learn from ancient and modern rishis in the Sivananda Tradition.

        You will have constant contact with the teacher throughout the course. You will have the opportunity to study with a yogi who is an accomplished practitioner named Shri Yogi. You'll be surprised at how focused and attentive your mind becomes when not distracted by daily life, work or home.

        Yogi Ashram offers a place of growth and awareness in every moment.

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        Contact us

        We will answer all your questions and help you with your Yoga Nidra Certification. If you have questions about the prerequisites or want to know more about what we provide, we would love to speak to you about joining our class.

        Apply Now

        Start Your Transformation


        Inspiring stories of people who changed their life through Sampoorna Yoga

        Four people dressed in white standing and smiling together under a tree on a deck. Three of them have nice Mala beads draped around their neck
        Maria Klann

        "To me, Yoga is much more than “Asanas” and “flexibility”. It’s a path that leads me to spiritual enlightenment, building the best of myself, finding my purpose of life, and experiencing feelings of happiness at any time. This is what I experienced with Sampoorna Yoga. I highly recommend this place. I am so glad I did it."

        A teacher and a student dressed in formal white spiritual attire posing with their hands in prayer for a graduation picture.
        Michael Hasner - Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota.

        "I cannot begin to express the gratitude and joy I have for being able to visit Yogi Hari’s Ashram. The experiences I experienced, the people I got to know, and the knowledge I learned will resonate within me and around me throughout my lifetime. Listening and Learning from Yogi Hari during Satsang was an experience that I hope I will never forget. I feel truly blessed, and I hope that others will someday be able to experience the blessings that I have."

        A teacher and a student dressed in formal white spiritual attire posing with their hands in prayer for a graduation picture.
        Jayadevi - Brussels

        "Yogi Hari is a true Guru: he’s knowledgeable, direct and honest. He patiently guided all of us to a path that was hard and intense but without any doubts enlightening. It was enough for him to look into your eyes and understand what was going inside you. I learned many things from this experience: my asanas got cleaner and more precise thanks to excellent teachers that followed us daily with scientific explanations; my body got stronger for such an intense work-out and delicious and healthy food, but what I appreciated more was the effect on my mind and spirit. I was calmer, wiser and relaxed as I have never been before."

        A teacher and a student dressed in formal white spiritual attire posing with their hands in prayer for a graduation picture.
        Lisa Vicky Mansingh - Trinidad, West Indies.

        "Yogi Hariji is INSPIRING with his wealth of knowledge and experience. I especially enjoyed his singing and the humourous stories he shared with us. He is wise, truthful, direct and kind. My teacher, Rama is informative, patient and effective in his training skills."