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The Home of Sampoorna Yoga®

A group of people on yoga mats in the warrior pose

Certified Yoga Teacher Trainings

Become a skillful yoga teacher with our comprehensive certification courses. We offer 14 day 200-hr and an advanced 21 day 300-hr residential programs in the sunny tropics of Florida.

Advance your practice and unfold your potential practicing yoga at the ashram.
Learn to teach yoga effectively to a wide range of students.
Gain a deeper understanding of all aspects of yoga

teacher trainings
A spiritual man posing with hands in prayer position in front of a tree

Dr. Shri Yogi Hari

Master of Yoga and Founder of Sampoorna Yoga™Living testimony to the value of yoga for health & peace of mind

With over 50 years of experience teaching and practicing yoga, Dr. Sri Yogi Hari has dedicated his life to sharing the ancient mystical knowledge of yoga with humanity. His profoundly practical teachings inspire people worldwide to live richer and happier lives based on yogic values.

Three women pressing their palms together in front of their chests, all smiling wearing white tanktops and orange bandanas.

The Joy Of Living Simply

Our courses are based on the traditional teaching method in which students are fully immersed in a yogic lifestyle and in close contact with the teacher. This creates the conditions for profound physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth.

• Morning & evening meditation
• Daily practice of hatha yoga
• Peaceful, natural environment
• Vegetarian diet

About Our Ashram
Three women in the same yoga posture on a deck under the shade of an enormous tree.

Sampoorna Yoga™, the Yoga of Fullness

Sampoorna Yoga is a complete system for Self-realization based in the combined practices of Hatha, Raja, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, and Nada Yoga. While each path of yoga is complete unto itself, the synthesis of all six results in an accelerated process of evolution.Intelligent integration of the six main branches of Yoga

Harmonize body, emotions, mind, and spiritExperience the bliss of your Self

find out more
"Wisdom is a life of selfless service."
- Dr. Shri Yogi Hari

Sampoorna Yoga Leadership

Meet our teachers

A man dressed in white robes sitting on a stage with a blue curtain behind him. He's holding his hand in prayer position right at his heart and smiling.

Dr. Shri Yogi Hari

Self-Realized Master of Hatha,
Raja, and Nada Yoga

Founder of Sampoorna Yoga

Professor of Yoga at
the Yoga University of the Americas

Woman cheerfully smiling and wearing a big sunhat standing in the garden showing off her pot of freshly picked vegetables


Sampoorna Hatha Yoga Teacher

Registered with the Yoga Alliance
at the E-RYT 500 level

Daughter of Shri Yogi Hari and Kalima

Marketing Manager

A women in the forest holding her hands in prayer position at her chest wearing a beautiful red dress


Yoga Nidra Training Teacher

Diploma in Ayurvedic Sciences from Kerala Ayurveda

Registered with the Yoga Alliance
at the E-RYT 500 level

Accomplished Indian classical dancer in the ancient style of Bharata Natyam

"Yoga is the shattering of illusions, delusions, and superstitions."
- Dr. Shri Yogi Hari

Book a Teacher Training

Follow these steps to apply today


Get In Touch

Our sign up process is simple but we know there will always be questions.


Fill Out Your Application

Reserve your place with a deposit.


Prepare for your course

Take time to review the recommended resources before your stay.